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Abstract (English):
Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy is the most common method for long-term enteral nutrition in patients with organic and functional diseases of the esophagus, with severe neurogenic oropharyngeal dysphagia as a result of acute cerebral circulatory disorders, oropharyngeal cancer, severe facial injuries, etc. The advantages of endoscopic surgery are the minimally invasive nature and speed of the intervention, an insignificant percentage of postoperative complications. The review article analyzes data on the relevance of the problem, indications and contraindications, technique of execution, complications of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy. Measures aimed at minimizing risks during this operation, including correction of the general condition and concomitant somatic diseases in patients, a thorough assessment of the risk of surgery, which have the greatest impact on the immediate results of the operation, are identified.

percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy, indications, contraindications, technique of execution, complications and their prevention

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