This article discusses the problematic issues of financing and development of tourism startups at the present stage in terms of financial instability. Under the tourist startup understood is a project focused on the sale of tickets for transport which is associated with travel or hotel rooms, or both, as well as traditional designs for the sale of package tours. The paper describes the case for the conceptual provisions of financing for small businesses in the tourism industry, in particular, with the help of venture capital, which effectively supports the small businesses’ innovative sector and solves the problem of the introduction of new technologies, as well as the peculiarities and directions of its development in modern conditions. Typically, venture capital plays a critical role in the commercialization of the companies at the early stages, and complement government grants only increase the chances of success, as evidenced by studies of the Russian Venture Capital Association. However, the Russian venture industry is largely focused on investments in companies at later stages of development. Identified is the necessity of initiatives to support start-ups in the form of the public-private partnership (PPP). The key issue in the implementation of such projects is the complexity of structuring start-ups, as a public-private partnership - a long-term mutually beneficial cooperation of public and private partners to carry out projects in order to achieve the objectives of public law entities, improving the availability and quality of public services, achieved through leveraging private resources and risk sharing between partners.
tourism startups, funding, venture financing, public-private partnership (PPP), financial instability
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