Irkutsk, Irkutsk region, Russian Federation
The article discusses the problem of the formation of universal regulatory actions that ensure the development of such a personality trait as independence. The period of primary school age is the most sensitive and, accordingly, optimal for their formation. As one of the pedagogical tools for organizing educational activities that contribute to the successful development of universal regulatory actions among younger schoolchildren, the authors proposed the use of a route book, which allows students to more clearly formulate their educational goals and objectives; correct actions in the process of mastering the subject content; think systematically. The data of preliminary and ascertaining monitoring are given to assess the level of development of universal regulatory educational actions among schoolchildren of the second grade; the method of using the route book is described; Based on the analysis of the achievements of second-graders, conclusions are drawn about its effectiveness.
younger schoolchildren; the formation of independence; regulatory universal learning activities; pedagogical tools; route book; method of use
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