Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The article highlights the traditions of spiritual, moral and patriotic education of young readers, laid down in periodicals for children, which were founded by figures of Russian science and culture and were published at the end of the 19th century. The publication of the magazine "Igrushechka" continued in the Soviet era, and then the new Russian realities of the 90s. 20th century were embodied in a children's magazine called "Novaya Igrushechka", which at that time was being worked on by Moscow writers and artists. The authors of the article, thus, convincingly prove the undoubted benefit and importance of preserving the traditions of children's magazine periodicals, which, in an entertaining and accessible form for children, allows them to get involved in reading, instill respect for the history and national values of Russia, and form citizens and patriots of their country in the younger generation.
means of spiritual, moral and patriotic education of children; development of aesthetic taste; magazines for children of the late 19th century. "Igrushechka", "Svetlyachok"; continuation of the traditions of children's magazines in the changed social conditions; magazine for children "Novaya Igrushechka" of the 90s of 20th century
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2. Vasil'evskiy M.N. Nuzhen li detyam detskiy zhurnal? - SPb.; M.: Izd-vo Tovarischestva M.O. Vol'f, 1911. - 42 s. / Sayt Nacional'noy elektronnoy biblioteki [Elektronnyy resurs]. - URL: (data obrascheniya: 26.11.2022).
3. Gor'kiy M. Slovo k vzroslym: o zadachah zhurnala dlya detey // Severnoe siyanie. - 1919. - № 1-2. - 67s.
4. Gracheva Yu. Kak vospityvali novogo sovetskogo grazhdanina: detskie zhurnaly 20-30-h godov // Sayt: «Togda» [Elektronnyy resurs]. - URL: (data obrascheniya: 26.11.2022).