Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the importance of mastering presentation skills by students as one of the forms of communication. The authors highlight the fact that the need to possess these skills to achieve a competitive advantage of a professional worker of the new time is of crucial importance. The authors aimed to analyze a wide range of mistakes made by students in public speeches of various types and suggest ways to overcome them. The communicative-pragmatic factor was chosen as the basic evaluation criterion. Special attention is paid to translation. When studying the problem, the authors were guided by their own experience of working with students in getting them prepared to various types of scientific conferences and competitions. A conclusion is made on importance of developing in students of self-awareness, which will provide conscious approach and control at all levels of discourse generation: cognitive, linguistic, paralinguistic and psychological.

presentation, communication, fluency, competitiveness, pragmatics, message, translation, verbal, non-verbal

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