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Abstract (English):
This article discusses the causes, consequences and remedies for organizational conflicts. What causes conflicts in organizations? Research has shown that, like other terms, conflict generates significant ambivalence and leaves many academics and administrators completely unsure of its meaning and relevance; and how best to deal with it. Conflicts are inevitable in human life. It is also unavoidable in organizations or even between countries. Conflict is an integral aspect of the life of both individuals and organizations. The study also found that conflicts arise in organizations as a result of competition for superiority, leadership style, lack of shared resources, etc. If conflict is not managed properly and in a timely manner, it can lead to poor performance or service delivery. Research has also shown that conflict can sometimes be beneficial if well managed. Thus, not all conflict situations are bad. Efforts should always be made to ensure that the causes of conflicts are eliminated as soon as they are noticed. The paper concludes that early recognition and attention to conflicting par-ties and negotiations between parties involved in a conflict should be adopted when resolving conflicts, while force or intimidation should never be used to resolve conflicting parties. Force and intimidation can only be counterproductive.

causes, consequences, remedies, organization, conflict, concept
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