from 01.01.2010 until now
Moskva, Russian Federation
The article reveals the socio-economic significance of national projects in the field of tourism in Russia, identifies modern challenges and opportunities for their implementation in the conditions of Industry 4.0. The authors focus on the federal project «Improvement of management in the field of tourism» of the national project «Tourism and hospitality industry» as a project that most directly affects the effectiveness of the formation and development of human resources as the most important component of the resource potential of enterprises in the hospitality and tourism industry as a whole. In this regard, the paper analyzes the development indicators of the hotel and tourism sector in our country on the basis of official statistics. According to the results of the study. the authors have identified problem areas for the development of the human resources potential of enterprises in the hospitality and tourism industry, which determine the expediency of developing recommendations for its further improvement and increase in the level of efficiency.
national project, hospitality industry, tourism, targets, human resources, tourism potential, Industry 4.0, educational programs, hospitality
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