Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The aim of the study is to show the necessity to solve the problem of assessing the quality indicators of the automated systems facilities; to demonstrate that the work quality problem of system facilities is closely connected with choosing rational technologies for processing information in the system. The article is devoted to calculating the main quality indicators of operating the automated system facilities, which include the time to complete the system tasks, the output information accuracy and the system feasibility. Research methods are statistical analysis of the operating quality of the automated system facilities using the methods of probability theory and parallel data processing. The novelty of the work is using methods of parallel data processing in calculating the main quality indicators of operating the automated control system facilities. The study results in developing a methodology for assessing the quality of the automated system facilities, namely the time to complete the system tasks, the output information accuracy and the system feasibility. The article concludes that the methods given in the article for calculating the main quality indicators of operating the automated system facilities make it possible to increase the efficiency of automated control systems by boosting the reliability and accuracy of information processing

automated system, information support, information, quality indicator, operating, efficiency, facilities
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