The article considers the multi-stage education as a condition for ensuring the quality of training of specialists in the field of art and culture. At the same time, drawing attention to the fact that the priority and value block of the education system is education, the author focuses on the main mission of higher schools of arts and culture - education through art and culture, creating conditions for creativity not only of students of higher education, but of the entire regional communities. At present, additional education of children, as one of the stages of art education, is the sphere of state social policy. The use of creative (creative) industries as a special type of socio-cultural practices that combines creative and cultural components is one of the new approaches to the innovative development of culture, which led to the creation of schools of creative industries.
multi-stage education, upbringing, mission of the Higher School of Arts and culture; quality of training of specialists in the field of art and culture, school of creative industries
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