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Abstract (English):
Traces of light elements down to carbon are found in the spectra of old stars, which is associated with the massiveness of the first generation stars. According to the hydrogen radio line, in the peri-od z ~ 20 – 15 the interstellar gas was ionized, which is associated with the UV radiation of blue stars. Ionization period Δz ~ 5, incl. maximum Δz ~ 2, limits the lifetime of stars (3 – 7)∙107 years, their mass (5 – 7)∙M○ and energy release ~1052 erg. The predominantly carbon core of such giants turns into a white dwarf (WD) with a mass of ~0.9 M○. Protogalaxies with an average mass of ~1011 M○ and a radius of ~80 kpc could contain ~1010 WD. WD of low luminosity <10-3 L○ in binary (multiple) stars can contribute to the dark mass of the halo (corona) of galaxies with a frac-tion Ωw ~ 0.12 Ωb.

protogalaxies, giants, white dwarfs, molecular clouds, background cosmic radiation
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