Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 373.3 Первая ступень обучения. Начальная школа
UDK 37.064.2 учителей и учеников
The ability of a younger schoolchild to show independence in solving practical and educational problems is one of the results of primary education. Obviously, many schoolchildren find it difficult to show independence due to individual differences: personal qualities, attitudes towards learning, purposefulness in cognition, and even the pace of learning activities. However, a teacher who has knowledge of age-related physiology and psychology, using modern teaching methods and technologies, can help a student become more proactive, teach him to plan and control his actions when studying training courses and performing creative tasks. Learning operations that the student masters under the guidance of a teacher and begins to apply first with the help of an adult, and then without outside help, fall into the treasury of his independent actions. The article discusses some approaches to the organization of cooperation between a teacher and a schoolchild, stimulating the development of a student’s independence in learning. Examples of tasks on the mathematical content are given, illustrating these approaches.
Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education, younger schoolchild, independence, interaction, mathematics course, universal learning activities, group work
1. Primernayarabochayaprogrammanachal'nogoobshchegoobrazovaniya. Matematika (dlya 1-4 klassovobrazovatel'nykhorganizatsiy) [Exemplary work program of primary general education. Mathematics (for grades 1-4 of educational organizations)]. Available at: (accessed 26 January 2023).
2. Universal'nyeuchebnyedeystviyakakrezul'tatobucheniya v nachal'noyshkole: soderzhanieimetodikaformirovaniyauniversal'nykhuchebnykhdeystviymladshegoshkol'nika: knigadlyauchitelya / N.F. Vinogradova, E.E. Kochurova, M.I. Kuznetsova [Universal educational actions as a result of education in elementary school: the content and methodology of the formation of universal educational actions of a younger student]. Moscow: Institutstrategiirazvitiyaobrazovaniya RAO Publ., 2016. 224 p.; EDN:
3. Federal'nayaobrazovatel'nayaprogrammanachal'nogoobshchegoobrazovaniya / utv. PrikazomMinisterstvaprosveshcheniyaRossiyskoyFederatsiiot 16.11.2022 № 992 [Federal educational program of primary general education / approved. Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated November 16, 2022 No. 992]. Available at: (accessed 26 January 2023).
4. Federal'nyygosudarstvennyyobrazovatel'nyystandartnachal'nogoobshchegoobrazovaniya / utv. PrikazomMinisterstvaprosveshcheniyaRossiyskoyFederatsiiot 31.05.2021 № 286 [Federal state educational standard of primary general education / approved. Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated May 31, 2021 No. 286]. Available at: (accessed 26 January 2023).