Moscow State Pedagogical Univeristy (Faculty of Primary Education, Senior Lecturer)
Russian Federation
UDK 371.315.1 Метод наблюдений
UDK 37.026.9 Творческое мышление и поведение
The article highlights the methods of working with primary schoolchildren, which contribute to the formation of their cognitive universal educational activities. The mastery of a set of universal educational activities by younger schoolchildren, in turn, is considered in the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education as the most important requirement - the formation of meta-subject learning outcomes. The article provides interesting examples of tasks offered to students in the lessons of the world around them, which ensure the development of their basic logical operations, initial research activities, the ability to work with information presented in various forms, as well as modeling and design skills.
younger schoolchild, universal cognitive educational actions: basic logical operations, initial research activities, work with information, learning task, model, modeling
1. Vinogradova N.F. Okruzhajushhij mir: tetrad' dlja proverochnyh rabot. 2 klass [The world around: a notebook for verification work. Grade 2]. Moscow: Ventana-Graf Publ., 2019. 96 p.
2. Vinogradova N.F. Okruzhajushhij mir: rabochaja tetrad' № 2. 4 klass [The world around: workbook number 2. Grade 4.]. Moscow: Ventana-Graf Publ., 2019. 47 p.
3. Universal'nye uchebnye dejstvija kak rezul'tat obuchenija v nachal'noj shkole: kniga dlja uchitelja [Universal learning activities as a result of learning in elementary school: a book for teachers]. Moscow: Institut strategii razvitija obrazovanija RAO Publ., 2016. 218 p.
4. Federal'naja obrazovatel'naja programma nachal'nogo obshhego obrazovanija / utv. Prikazom Ministerstva prosveshhenija Rossijskoj Federacii ot 16.11.2022 № 992 [Federal educational program of primary general education / approved. Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated November 16, 2022 No. 992]. Available at: (accessed 26 January 2023).
5. Federal'nyj gosudarstvennyj obrazovatel'nyj standart nachal'nogo obshhego obrazovanija (obnovljonnyj variant) / utv. Prikazom Ministerstva prosveshhenija RF ot 31.05.2021 № 286 [Federal state educational standard of primary general education (updated version) / approved. Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2021 No. 286]. Available at: (accessed 26 January 2023).