The development of design solutions and preliminary calculation substantiation of the characteristics of a high-voltage plasma-drop generator with magnetic charge separation have been completed. The aim of the study was to confirm the possibility of creating a current source with an operating voltage of about 107 V. The proposed energy conversion method is based on the separation of charged drops from dusty plasma in a gradient magnetic field. Droplets are charged due to thermal emission from their surface. A schematic description of the generator is presented and an elementary calculation model is proposed. This model is divided into 4 blocks that describe the various processes taking place in the device. The assumptions and simplifications necessary for the evaluation are discussed. Preliminary calculation data on the efficiency of a plasma-drop generator with magnetic charge separation have been obtained under conditions close to those actually achievable by manufacturing technologies. The main parameters for evaluation were power, efficiency, voltage and magnetic field induction. As a result of the calculations performed, the fundamental possibility of creating a workable plasma-drop generator based on the proposed solutions is shown. The results obtained are not accurate and require further improvement of the model and study of the processes taking place in the generator.
Dusty plasma, thermionic emission, magnetic mirrors, bulk condensation, direct energy conversion.
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