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Abstract (English):
At the beginning of the article it is said about the place and significance of the provision on the basis of criminal liability in the criminal law of Russia. The demanded nature and relevance of scientific research on issues related to the basis of criminal liability are shown. The legal definition of the basis of criminal liability, enshrined in Article 8 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, is given and its long existence in the text of the criminal law without changes is noted. A brief review of what was and is understood as the basis of criminal liability in the theory of criminal law is given. A philological analysis of the term "foundation of criminal responsibility" was carried out with an emphasis on the word "ground". It is considered what constitutes the basis of criminal liability as a legal fact. Arguments are given in favor of the unified nature of the basis of criminal liability with the possibility of theoretically highlighting the factual and legal aspects in it. The main properties of the basis of criminal liability are listed. It explains what should be understood by its specificity, reality, necessity and sufficiency. It is proved that the provisions of the criminal law on the basis of criminal liability are not only a hypothesis, but also a disposition of criminal law, which is due to the merger in this case of the indicated structural elements of the rule of law. There are shortcomings in the legal structure of Article 8 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The edition of the indicated article is given, in which they can be corrected.

criminal liability, grounds for criminal liability, corpus delicti, crime, legal fact, criminal law relation, criminal law, criminal legislation
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