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Abstract (English):
At the beginning of this article, it is said about the general characteristics of the subjective side as an element of the corpus delicti. The complexity of establishing the subjective side of the crime in practice is indicated, in connection with which law enforcement officers make gross mistakes in qualifying crimes. It is noted that there is no indication in the disposition of Article 304 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on the form of guilt. Arguments are given in favor of recognizing the commission of a crime in the form of a provocation of bribery or bribery only with direct intent. The content of direct intent under article 304 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is disclosed in detail with an analysis of its intellectual and volitional element. The role of optional features of the subjective side of the crime in the structure of provocation of bribery or bribery is emphasized. It points to the alternative nature of the goals of the crime, enshrined in the provisions of Article 304 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The purpose of the artificial creation of evidence of a crime is considered and disclosed in detail. The main circumstances limiting its content are listed. The definition of the concept of blackmail in judicial practice and in the theory of criminal law is given. Particular attention is paid to the position of the criminal law doctrine, according to which blackmail as the purpose of the crime specified in Article 304 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation must be excluded from the disposition of this article due to its inconsistency with the object of encroachment. The influence of the motives of the crime not specified in the disposition of Article 304 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on sentencing is noted.

provocation of a crime, provocation of a bribe, provocation of commercial bribery, provocation of bribery in the field of procurement of goods, works and services for state or municipal needs, subjective side of the crime, guilt, direct intent, purpose of the crime, artificial creation of evidence of a crime, blackmail, crime provided for in Article 304 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
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