Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Involving students in scientific activities is an important stage in the development of a future scientist. At the same time, the main difficulty is the need to interest the student. One of the factors that can generate such interest is to ensure the spirit of competition in the first attempts at scientific work. To do this, the Department of Engineering Graphics holds two sections in the Scientific and practical conference of students and graduate students of the RTU MIREA: : "Smart Home", for students of radio engineering specialties, where students are engaged in the design and implementation of prototypes of various radio engineering devices and sensors, and "Descriptive Geometry", for students of all areas of education, where they present their projects to the jury both in the field of research of academic geometric knowledge, as well as in the field of their practical application. The authors of the best projects presented in the sections are given the opportunity to speak at the All-Russian Student Competition "Innovative Developments", which is also organized by the Department of Engineering Graphics as part of the All-Russian Student Olympiad for Students in Descriptive Geometry, Engineering and Computer Graphics. For half a year between these events, students correct the project in accordance with the comments made by the jury, and if there are unrealized plans, they finalize them. The next stage in the development of students - participants of the above-mentioned conference and Competition - is the preparation of a scientific article based on their work in journals indexed in the RSCI. The student gains experience in preparing an articles, after which, as a rule, scientific work continues, and the student takes part in various scientific conferences with reports, where he gains experience in speaking to an audience and interacting with it, and also, under the guidance of a supervisor, prepares a scientific article or a number of articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals, while gaining experience in communicating with reviewers and correcting their comments on the work. This experience gives the student the skill of independence in further scientific work
quasirotation, geometric places of points, constructive geometry, quasipolygons, fractals
1. Alenina E.M., Bojkov A.A. Issledovaniye odnogo semeystva krivykh chetvertogo poryadka [Investigation of one family of curves of the fourth order]. Materialy konferentsii «Dvenadtsataya mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya studentov, aspirantov i molodykh uchenykh «Energiya-2017» [Conference materials «Twelfth international scientific and technical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists «Energy-2017»]. Ivanovo, 2017, V. 5, rr. 184-185. (in Russian)
2. Antonova I.V., Beglov I.A., Solomonova E.V. Matematicheskoye opisaniye vrashcheniya tochki vokrug ellipticheskoy osi v nekotorykh chastnykh sluchayakh [Mathematical description of the rotation of a point around an elliptical axis in some special cases]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2019, V. 7, I. 3, pp. 36-50. DOI: (in Russian)
3. Beglov I.A. Atlas poverkhnostey kvazivrashcheniya [Atlas of surfaces of quasi-rotation]. Moscow, Infra-M Publ., 2022. 76 r. (in Russian)
4. Beglov I.A., Rustamyan V.V., Antonova I.V. Matematicheskoye opisaniye metoda vrashcheniya tochki vokrug krivolineynoy osi vtorogo poryadka [Mathematical description of the method of rotating a point around a curvilinear axis of the second order]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2018, V. 6, I. 4, pp. 39-46. DOI: 10.12737/ article_5c21f6e832b4d2.25216268. (in Russian)
5. Beglov I.A., Rustamyan V.V. Metod vrashcheniya geometricheskikh ob"yektov vokrug krivolineynoy osi [Method for rotating geometric objects around a curvilinear axis]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2017, V. 5, I. 3, pp. 45-50. DOI: (in Russian)
6. Belim S.S., Bojkov A.A., Korovina A.V. Ob ispol'zovanii parametricheskikh CAD-sistem dlya modelirovaniya fazovykh diagramm dvukhkomponentnykh sistem [On the use of parametric CAD systems for modeling phase diagrams of two-component systems]. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov po materialam XXVI Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii «Sovremennyye nauchnyye issledovaniya» [Collection of scientific papers based on the materials of the XXVI International Scientific and Practical Conference «Modern Scientific Research»]. Anapa. NIC ESP Publ., 2020. rr. 36-39. (in Russian)
7. Belim S.S., Korovina A.V. Postroyeniye fazovykh diagramm dvukh- i trekhkomponentnykh sistem ideal'nykh rastvorov geometricheskim sposobom [Construction of phase diagrams of two- and three-component systems of ideal solutions in a geometric way]. Materialy konferentsii «XV vserossiyskaya (VII mezhdunarodnaya) nauch.-tekhn. konf. «Energiya-2020» [Conference materials «XV All-Russian (VII international) scientific and technical. conf. «Energy-2020»]. Ivanovo, 2020, V. 5, 104 r. (in Russian)
8. Bojkov A.A., SHulajkin D.A. Vizualizatsiya geometricheskikh figur i otnosheniy kompleksnoy ploskosti sredstvami komp'yuternoy grafika [Visualization of geometric figures and relations of the complex plane by means of computer graphics]. Problemy kachestva graficheskoj podgotovki studentov v tekhnicheskom vuze: tradicii i innovacii [Problems of quality of graphic training of students at a technical university: traditions and innovations]. Perm', PNIPU 2019, V. 1, pp. 72-93. (in Russian)
9. Bojkov A.A., Gudaev I.I. Geometricheskiye modeli i algoritmy postroyeniya sfericheskikh secheniy giperfraktala [Geometric models and algorithms for constructing spherical sections of a hyperfractal]. Zhurnal yestestvennonauchnykh issledovaniy [Journal of natural science research]. 2020, V. 5, I. 4, pp. 16-25. (in Russian)
10. Bojkov A.A. Konstruktivnyye algoritmy postroyeniya dug kubicheskoy paraboly pri pomoshchi krivoy Bez'ye [Constructive algorithms for constructing arcs of a cubic parabola using a Bezier curve]. Innovatsionnyye tekhnologii v inzhenernoy grafike: problemy i perspektivy. Sb. tr. Mezhdunarodnoy nauch.-prakt. konf. 20 aprelya 2018 goda Brest, Respublika Belarus' Novosibirsk, Rossiyskaya Federatsiya. Brest: BrGTU [Innovative technologies in engineering graphics: problems and prospects: Sat. tr. International scientific and practical. conf. April 26, 2022 Brest, Republic of Belarus Novosibirsk, Russian Federation]. Brest, BrGTU. 2022, rr. 21-26. (in Russian)
11. Bojkov A.A. Nekotoryye voprosy avtomatizatsii konstruktivnykh algoritmov formirovaniya geometricheskikh modeley dlya CAD-sistem [Some issues of automation of constructive algorithms for the formation of geometric models for CAD systems]. Sbornik SCVRT2018 Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya Moskovskogo fiziko-tekhnicheskogo instituta (gosudarstvennogo universiteta) Instituta fiziko-tekhnicheskoy informatiki. Trudy Mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferentsii [Collection SCVRT2018 International Scientific Conference of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University) Institute of Physics and Technology Informatics. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference]. Moscow, 2018, pp 281-290. (in Russian)
12. Bojkov A.A., Belim S.S., Korovina A.V. O postroyenii fazovykh diagramm dvukhkomponentnykh sistem v SAPR «Kompas-3D» [On the construction of phase diagrams of two-component systems in CAD «Compass-3D»]. Zhurnal tekhnicheskikh issledovaniy [Journal of Technical Research]. 2020, V. 6, I. 2, pp. 9-14. (in Russian)
13. Bojkov A.A., Kadykova N.S. O sistemakh postroyeniy, svyazannykh s vektornymi geometricheskimi redaktorami [About construction systems associated with vector geometry editors]. Zhurnal yestestvennonauchnykh issledovaniy [Journal of natural science research]. 2021, V. 6, I. 2, pp. 19-30. (in Russian)
14. Bojkov A.A., Varfolomeyeva A.A., Idrisova F.S., Pentyurina V.R. O sozdanii bibliograficheskoy bazy publikatsiy po inzhenernoy geometrii [On the creation of a bibliographic database of publications on engineering geometry]. Sbornik materialov IX Vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii «Nadezhnost' i dolgovechnost' mashin i mekhanizmov» [Collection of materials of the IX All-Russian scientific-practical conference «Reliability and durability of machines and mechanisms»]. 2018, pp. 404-407. (in Russian)
15. Bojkov A.A., Orlova E.V., CHernova A.V., SHkilevich A.A. O sozdanii fraktal'nykh obrazov dlya dizayna i poligrafii i nekotorykh geometricheskikh obobshcheniyakh, svyazannykh s nimi [On the creation of fractal images for design and printing and some geometric generalizations associated with them]. Problemy kachestva graficheskoy podgotovki studentov v tekhnicheskom vuze: traditsii i innovatsii [Problems of quality graphic preparation of students in a technical college: tradition and innovation]. PGTU Publ., 2019, V. 1, pp. 325-339. (in Russian)
16. Bojkov A.A., Gudaev I.I. Ob odnom sposobe sozdaniya besshovnykh fraktal'nykh patternov dlya dizayna na osnove mnogomernogo podkhoda [About one way to create seamless fractal patterns for design based on a multidimensional approach]. Innovatsionnyye tekhnologii v inzhenernoy grafike: problemy i perspektivy. Sb. tr. Mezhdunarodnoy nauch.-prakt. konf. 20 aprelya 2018 goda Brest, Respublika Belarus' Novosibirsk, Rossiyskaya Federatsiya. Brest: BrGTU [Innovative technologies in engineering graphics: problems and prospects: Sat. tr. International scientific and practical. conf. April 26, 2022 Brest, Republic of Belarus Novosibirsk, Russian Federation]. Brest, BrGTU. 2021, 281 p. 1 CD-ROM.
17. Bojkov A.A., Belim S.S., Korovina A.V. Ob odnom podkhode k ispol'zovaniyu parametrizovannykh modeley i parametricheskikh CAD-sistem [On one approach to the use of parametric models and parametric CAD systems]. Sbornik trudov Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii «Innovatsionnyye tekhnologii v inzhenernoy grafike: problemy i perspektivy» [Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference «Innovative Technologies in Engineering Graphics: Problems and Prospects»]. 2020, pp. 37-41. (in Russian)
18. Bojkov A.A. Ob odnom sposobe avtomatizatsii konstruktivnykh algoritmov formirovaniya geometricheskikh modeley v srede CAD-sistem [On one way to automate constructive algorithms for the formation of geometric models in the environment of CAD systems]. Cbornik «CPT2019 Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya Nizhegorodskogo gosudarstvennogo arkhitekturno-stroitel'nogo universiteta i Nauchno-issledovatel'skogo tsentra fiziko-tekhnicheskoy informatiki. Trudy Mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferentsii» [Collection «CPT2019 International Scientific Conference of the Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering and the Research Center for Physical and Technical Informatics. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference»]. 2019. pp. 393-399. (in Russian)
19. Bojkov A.A., CHernova A.V. Resheniye zadach nachertatel'noy geometrii skladyvaniyem lista bumagi (origami-geometriya) [Solving problems of descriptive geometry by folding a sheet of paper (origami geometry)]. Sbornik materialov VIII Vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii. «Nadezhnost' i dolgovechnost' mashin i mekhanizmov» [Collection of materials of the VIII All-Russian scientific-practical conference. «Reliability and durability of machines and mechanisms»]. Ivanovo, 2017, rr. 431-434. (in Russian)
20. Bojkov A.A., Varfolomeyeva A.A. Spravochno-bibliograficheskaya sistema po inzhenernoy geometrii i yeye primeneniye v nauchnoy rabote studentov [Reference and bibliographic system on engineering geometry and its application in the scientific work of students]. Innovatsionnyye tekhnologii v inzhenernoy grafike: problemy i perspektivy. Sb. tr. Mezhdunarodnoy nauch.-prakt. konf. 20 aprelya 2018 goda Brest, Respublika Belarus' Novosibirsk, Rossiyskaya Federatsiya. Brest: BrGTU [Innovative technologies in engineering graphics: problems and prospects: Sat. tr. International scientific and practical. conf. April 26, 2022 Brest, Republic of Belarus Novosibirsk, Russian Federation]. Brest, BrGTU. 2019, rr. 37-41. (in Russian)
21. Bojkov A.A. Sredstva avtomatizatsii geometricheskikh postroyeniy [Means of automation of geometric constructions]. Materialy konferentsii «Dvenadtsataya mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya studentov, aspirantov i molodykh uchenykh «Energiya-2017» [Conference materials «Twelfth international scientific and technical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists «Energy-2017»]. Ivanovo, 2017, V. 5, rr. 188-189. (in Russian)
22. Bojkov A.A., Malahov D.A. Tochnoye predstavleniye paraboly v SAPR «Kompas-3D» pri pomoshchi krivoy Bez'ye [Accurate representation of a parabola in CAD "Compass-3D" using a Bezier curve]. Sbornik materialov VIII Vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii. «Nadezhnost' i dolgovechnost' mashin i mekhanizmov» [Collection of materials of the IX All-Russian scientific-practical conference. «Reliability and durability of machines and mechanisms»]. Ivanovo, 2018, rr. 407-411. (in Russian)
23. Bojkov A.A., SHulajkin D.A. Trekhmernaya vizualizatsiya geometricheskikh obrazov i otnosheniy kompleksnoy ploskosti [3D visualization of geometric shapes and complex plane relationships]. Problemy koordinatsii raboty tekhnicheskikh vuzov v oblasti povysheniya kachestva inzhenerno-graficheskoy podgotovki studentov: materialy nauch.-metod. konf. [Problems of coordinating the work of technical universities in the field of improving the quality of engineering and graphic training of students: materials of the scientific method. sonf.]. Rostov-on-Don, DSTU. 2018, pp. 163-171. (in Russian)
24. Bojkov A.A., Gudaev I.I. Trekhmernyye modeli dlya predmetnogo dizayna na osnove algebraicheskikh fraktalov [Three-dimensional models for object design based on algebraic fractals]. Zhurnal yestestvennonauchnykh issledovaniy [Journal of natural science research]. 2021, V. 6, I. 4, pp. 53-56. (in Russian)
25. Bojkov A.A., Sidnev P.S. Eksperimental'naya proverka konstruktivnykh algoritmov postroyeniya kubicheskikh parabol pri pomoshchi krivykh Bez'ye v SAPR «Kompas-3D» [Experimental verification of constructive algorithms for constructing cubic parabolas using Bezier curves in CAD «Compass-3D»]. Zhurnal yestestvennonauchnykh issledovaniy [Journal of natural science research]. 2022, V. 7, I. 3, pp. 57-64. (in Russian)
26. Bojkov A.A. YAzyk geometricheskikh postroyeniy i yego primeneniye v razrabotke funktsiy CAD-sistem [The language of geometric constructions and its application in the development of functions of CAD systems]. Trudy Mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferentsii SCVRT2019 «Situatsionnyye tsentry i informatsionno-analiticheskiye sistemy klassa 4i dlya zadach monitoringa i bezopasnosti» [Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference SCVRT2019 «Situation centers and information-analytical systems of class 4i for monitoring and security tasks»]. 2019, pp. 42-50.
27. Varfolomeeva A.A., Idrisova F.S., Pentyurina V.R. O sozdanii bibliograficheskogo resursa po inzhenernoy geometrii [On the creation of a bibliographic resource on engineering geometry]. Materialy konferentsii «Trinadtsataya mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya studentov, aspirantov i molodykh uchenykh «Energiya-2018» [Materials of the conference «The thirteenth international scientific and technical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists «Energy-2018»]. Ivanovo, 2018, V. 5, rr. 407-411. (in Russian)
28. Varfolomeeva A.A. Spravochno-bibliograficheskaya sistema po inzhenernoy geometrii i yeye primeneniye v nauchnoy rabote studentov [Reference and bibliographic system on engineering geometry and its application in the scientific work of students]. Materialy konferentsii «Chetyrnadtsataya mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya studentov, aspirantov i molodykh uchenykh «Energiya-2019» [Materials of the conference "Fourteenth international scientific and technical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists "Energy-2019"]. Ivanovo, 2019, V. 5, P. 98. (in Russian)
29. Vasnev I.P. Voprosy avtomatizatsii obrabotki bibliograficheskikh ssylok dlya spravochno-bibliograficheskoy sistemy po inzhenernoy geometrii [Issues of automating the processing of bibliographic references for a reference and bibliographic system in engineering geometry]. Zhurnal yestestvennonauchnykh issledovaniy [Journal of natural science research]. 2021, V. 6, I. 4, pp. 57-61. (in Russian)
30. Voloshinov D.V., Solomonov K.N.Konstruktivnoye geometricheskoye modelirovaniye kak perspektiva prepodavaniya graficheskikh distsiplin [Constructive Geometric Modeling as a Perspective for Teaching Graphic Arts]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2013, V. 1, I. 2, pp. 10-13. DOI: (in Russian)
31. Voloshinov D.V. O perspektivakh razvitiya geometrii i yeye instrumentariya [On the prospects for the development of geometry and its tools]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2014, V. 2, I. 1, pp. 15-21. DOI: (in Russian)
32. Vyshnepol'skij V.I., Sal'kov N.A., Zavarihina E.V. Geometricheskie mesta tochek, ravnootstoyashchih ot dvuh zadannyh geometricheskih figur. CHast' 1 [Geometric locations of the points equally spaced from two given geometric figures. Part 1]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2017, V. 5, I. 3, pp. 21-35. DOI: (in Russian)
33. Vyshnepol'skij V.I., Dallakjan O.L., Zavarihina E.V. Geometricheskie mesta tochek, ravnootstoyashchih ot dvuh zadannyh geometricheskih figur. CHast' 2 [Geometric locations of the points equally spaced from two given geometric figures. Part 2]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2017, V. 5, I. 4, pp. 15-23. DOI: (in Russian)
34. Vyshnepol'skij V.I., Kirshanov K.A., Egiazaryan K.T. Geometricheskie mesta tochek, ravnootstoyashchih ot dvuh zadannyh geometricheskih figur. CHast' 3 [Geometric locations of the points equally spaced from two given geometric figures. Part 3]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2018, V. 6, I. 4, pp. 3-19. DOI: (in Russian)
35. Vyshnepol'skij V.I., Zavarihina E.V., Pekh D.S. Geometricheskie mesta tochek, ravnootstoyashchih ot dvuh zadannyh geometricheskih figur. chast' 4: geometricheskie mesta tochek, ravnoudalennyh ot dvuh sfer [Geometric points of points equidistant from two given geometric shapes. Part 4: geometric points of points equidistant from two spheres]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2021, V. 9, I. 3, pp. 12-29. DOI: (in Russian)
36. Vyshnepol'skij V.I., Zavarihina E.V., Egiazaryan K.T. Geometricheskie mesta tochek, ravnootstoyashchih ot dvuh zadannyh geometricheskih figur. chast' 5: geometricheskie mesta tochek, ravnoudalennyh ot sfery i ploskosti [Geometric locus of points equidistant from two given geometric figures. part 5: locus of points equidistant from sphere and plane]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2021, V. 9, I. 4, pp. 22-34. DOI: (in Russian)
37. Dmitriev V.L., Muhametova A.K. Populyarno o fraktalakh: mnogoobraziye fraktalov i ikh klassifikatsiya [Popular about fractals: the variety of fractals and their classification]. NovaInfo.Ru [NovaInfo.Ru]. 2015. V. 1, I. 38, pp. 45-64. (in Russian)
38. Ermolaev A.R., Bojkov A.A. Realizatsiya algoritmov graficheskogo differentsirovaniya i integrirovaniya sredstvami yazyka geometricheskikh postroyeniy [Implementation of algorithms for graphical differentiation and integration using the language of geometric constructions]. Materialy konferentsii «Trinadtsataya mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya studentov, aspirantov i molodykh uchenykh «Energiya-2018» [Materials of the conference «The thirteenth international scientific and technical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists «Energy-2018»]. Ivanovo, 2019, V. 5, P. 117. (in Russian)
39. Efremov A.V. «Pravil'nyye» mnogopsevdogranniki, obrazovannyye otsekami giperbolicheskikh paraboloidov ["Regular" polypseudohedrons formed by compartments of hyperbolic paraboloids]. Zhurnal tekhnicheskikh issledovaniy [Technical Research Journal]. 2020, V. 6, I. 2, pp. 21-28. (in Russian)
40. Efremov A.V., Vereshchagina T.A., Kadykova N.S., Rustamyan V.V. Prostranstvennyye geometricheskiye yacheyki - kvazimnogogranniki [Spatial Geometric Cells - Quasipolyhedra]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2021, V. 9, I. 3, pp. 30-38. DOI: (in Russian)
41. Malahov D.A., Bojkov A.A. Resheniye zadach kursa nachertatel'noy geometrii s pomoshch'yu origami-postroyeniy [Solving the problems of the course of descriptive geometry using origami constructions]. Materialy konferentsii «Trinadtsataya mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya studentov, aspirantov i molodykh uchenykh «Energiya-2018» [Materials of the conference «The thirteenth international scientific and technical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists «Energy-2018»]. Ivanovo, 2018, V. 5, P. 121. (in Russian)
42. Mandel'brot B. Fraktal'naya geometriya prirody [Fractal geometry of nature]. Moscow, In-t komp'yuternykh issledovaniy Publ., 2002., 656 p.
43. Orlova E.V., CHernova A.V., Bojkov A.A. Geometricheskoye obobshcheniye nekotorykh algebraicheskikh fraktal'nykh algoritmov [Geometric generalization of some algebraic fractal algorithms]. «Chetyrnadtsataya mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya studentov, aspirantov i molodykh uchenykh «Energiya-2019» [Materials of the conference "Fourteenth international scientific and technical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists "Energy-2019"]. Ivanovo, 2019, V. 5, P. 99. (in Russian)
44. CHernova P.A., Bojkov A.A. Resheniye zadach kursa nachertatel'noy geometrii s pomoshch'yu origami-postroyeniy [Solving the problems of the course of descriptive geometry using origami constructions]. Materialy konferentsii «Dvenadtsataya mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya studentov, aspirantov i molodykh uchenykh «Energiya-2017» [Conference materials «Twelfth international scientific and technical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists «Energy-2017»]. Ivanovo, 2017, V. 5, 223 r. (in Russian)
45. CHernyat'ev A.I., CHunaeva A.A., Bojkov A.A. Arkhitektura interpretatora yazyka geometricheskikh postroyeniy [The architecture of the interpreter of the language of geometric constructions]. Materialy konferentsii «Trinadtsataya mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya studentov, aspirantov i molodykh uchenykh «Energiya-2018» [Materials of the conference «The thirteenth international scientific and technical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists «Energy-2018»]. Ivanovo, 2018, V. 5, P. 121. (in Russian)
46. Voloshinov D.V., Beglov I.A. Poverkhnost' kvazivrashcheniya [Quasi-rotation surface]
47. Svidetel'stvo o gosudarstvennoy registratsii programmy dlya EVM № 2021662450 Rossiyskaya Federatsiya [Certificate of state registration of the computer program № 2021662450 Russian Federetion]. 28.07.2021.
48. Beglov I.A., Voloshinov D.V. Secheniye poverkhnosti kvazivrashcheniya [Cross section of the quasi-rotation surface]. Svidetel'stvo o gosudarstvennoy registratsii programmy dlya EVM № 2021662450 Rossiyskaya Federatsiya [Certificate of state registration of the computer program № 2021662450 Russian Federetion]. 12.08.2021.
49. SHibanov D.YU. Ob ispol'zovanii sredstv raspoznavaniya rechi v zadache obrabotki bibliograficheskikh dannykh po inzhenernoy geometrii [On the use of speech recognition tools in the problem of processing bibliographic data in engineering geometry]. Materialy konferentsii «Trinadtsataya mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya studentov, aspirantov i molodykh uchenykh «Energiya-2018» [Materials of the conference «The thirteenth international scientific and technical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists «Energy-2018»]. Ivanovo, 2018, V. 5, P. 73. (in Russian)
50. SHkilevich A.A., Bojkov A.A. Graficheskoye issledovaniye funktsiy kompleksnogo peremennogo [Graphical study of functions of a complex variable]. Materialy konferentsii «Trinadtsataya mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya studentov, aspirantov i molodykh uchenykh «Energiya-2018» [Materials of the conference «The thirteenth international scientific and technical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists «Energy-2018»]. Ivanovo, 2018, V. 5, P. 135. (in Russian)
51. Beglov I.A., Rustamyan V.V., Verbitskiy R.A. Primeneniye segmentov poverkhnosti kvazivrashcheniya v arkhitekturnom prototipirovanii [Application of quasi-rotation surface segments in architectural prototyping] Journal of Physics: seriya konferentsiy [Journal of Physics: conference series]. 2022. P. 012002. DOI:
52. Beglov I.A. Komp'yuternoye geometricheskoye modelirovaniye poverkhnostey kvazivrashcheniya [Computer geometric modeling of quasi-rotation surfaces]. Journal of Physics: seriya konferentsiy [Journal of physics: conference series] 2021. P. 012057. DOI
53. Beglov I.A. Generatsiya poverkhnostey posredstvom kvazivrashcheniya vysshego poryadka [Generation of the surfaces via quasi-rotation of higher orde]. Zhurnal fiziki: seriya konferentsiy [Journal of physics: conference series]. IV International Scientific and Technical Conference «Mechanical Science and Technology Update», MSTU 2020, P. 012032. DOI:
54. Beglov I.A. N-n-znachnyye vzaimosvyazi mezhdu mnozhestvami v ploskosti R 2 , porozhdennyye kvazivrashcheniyem prostranstva R 3 [N-n-digit interrelations between the sets within the R 2 plane generated by quasi-rotation of R 3 space]. Zhurnal fiziki: seriya konferentsiy [Journal of physics: conference series]. IV International Scientific and Technical Conference «Mechanical Science and Technology Update», MSTU 2020, Omsk, 17-19 March 2020. P. 012033. DOI:
55. Boykov A.A. Razrabotka i primeneniye yazyka geometricheskikh postroyeniy dlya postroyeniya komp'yuternykh geometricheskikh modeley [Development and application of the geometry constructions language to building computer geometric models]. Zhurnal fiziki: seriya konferentsiy [Journal of Physics: Conference Series]. «V International Scientific and Technical Conference «Mechanical Science and Technology Update». 2021. P. 012058. DOI:
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