Russian Federation
Pushkino, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Due to the increasing demand of the plantation and their exploitation for timber harvesting of definite species, assortment composition and amount, and the need to develop (specifying) the general provisions of the Forest Code, regulating the use of (implementation) of this type of forest use, the goal is set: on the basis of the analysis of existing information on forest plantations in the country and abroad, to develop guidelines to expand the legal and regulatory methodical maintenance of the plantation and exploitation by solving setting criteria for identification of special plantation forests, development of ecological and silvicultural requirements for selection and use of areas of forest land and other categories for the plantation, forming, with the established requirements, methodical provisions defining selection and provision of plots for this type of use of forests, composition of measures in laying and breeding plantation forests, planning and carrying out cutting of forest planting and harvesting. As the result of solution of these tasks draft guidelines is made, containing system provisions reflecting the characteristics of the plantation, distinguish them from other forest plantations, all (major) requirements and the corresponding measures to establish forest plantations and their operation, as well as proposals designed to repel provisions in the legislation by amending the Forest Code, supplementing the provisions in the legal documents - Terms of forest tending, harvesting rules and others, governing the use of forest plantations for harvesting and other measures to ensure the overall effective establishment and operation of forest plantations, while maintaining ecological and resource potential of forests. In furtherance of the implementation of legislative and legal norms and fundamental methodological facilities for the effective delivery of interventions of creation and use of forest plantations are developed specific guidelines and methodology for creation and operation of certain types of forest plantations, including by the regions of the country are developed.
plantations, guidelines, use of land for the plantation, addition of legal documents, type of forest use.
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