Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Perestroyka in Russia has made significant adjustments to the technology of timber harvesting. Despite a number of significant advantages of tree length technology of timber compared to CTL, at logging enterprises CTL timber is widely used. The reasons of moving for the assortment technology of logging are considered. Diagram of logging site using harvester is given. The description of technology of felling, limbing and bucking of obtained timber on assortments is presented. Shortcomings of the harvester on this technology are marked. A new way to design cutting areas (technology) is suggested. The description of the two-step sequence of harvester operations is given. The proposed method of site logging will avoid hanging tree felling, reduce damage to growing trees, which is especially important during the selective cutting, significantly reduce the load on the harvester head, on the arm elements (handle, arrow) and on the chassis of the harvester, reduce the total distance for dragging a tree trunk and a weight of dragging part during processing. Criteria indicators are shown, the value of which can be seen on the process and can give its qualitative assessment. Performance of the harvester is determined, which is one of the most important technological parameters of the machine. The principle of machines forming in the system is equal or multiples of their performance. Components of the cycle time to process a single tree on the proposed technology of harvester work are listed. Necessary conclusions were draw based on the analysis of cycle time duration for a tree processing, taking into account composition and sequence of elements of operations of harvester for known and proposed schemes.

CTL of timber, tree-length harvesting, harvester, manipulator, tree, assortments

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