Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the importance and use of painting and drawing possibilities in planning project tasks. The main factor of the research is the search for new design solutions in the field of fine arts. The purpose of the research is in professional orientation to drawing and painting. Based on the goal, the whole focus of the work is to develop and deepen the concept of aesthetics of spaces, through the organization of a phased design system. Methods are associated with the understanding and development of students' knowledge and skills in organizing a comfortable environment, in combination with technologies of project mastery. The methods under consideration are based on the practical implementation of architectural and design projects and on practical work. The research is aimed at finding solutions in the field of color and coloristic presentation of modern residential and public buildings, in order to improve the situation in the aesthetic component of architecture. Research objectives in the creation of an integrated design system, in the search for and analysis of artistic possibilities to create a comfortable environment.

personal culture, art, pictorial space, methods

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