Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
The year 2022 brought new challenges to the Russian economy: due to the aggravation of the political situation, several packages of sanctions were imposed on the country’s economy. The vast majority of the world’s major economies, including the EU countries and the United States, have joined the economic sanctions against Russia. Of course, Russia is taking retaliatory measures and imposing counter-sanctions. The current situation has significant long-term consequences for the entire global economy, and of course affects the small business sector. The article gives the priority of the development of the SME sector for the Russian state, the issues of analyzing the current situation of small business in Russia are of particular relevance. In this article, the authors explore the hypothesis about the impact of international economic sanctions on the Russian small and medium-sized business sector, based on statistics on various indicators, evaluating government support measures, and studying other factors that have an impact.
sanctions, crisis, small and medium entrepreneurship, business, liquidated enterprises, state support for business
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