The purpose of the study is to substantiate the integration of interactive content into the educational process based on the so-called online platforms, in order to teach a foreign language to students of non-linguistic specialties. The article analyzes the main characteristics of popular online platforms for creating Internet content, clarifies the basic requirements for the teaching staff in terms of improving the efficiency of distance learning using computer technology, in order to assimilate the required amount of educational material on their own. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the development of a comprehensive approach to the analysis of the technical characteristics of the basic means of interactive user interaction in distributed computer networks in relation to the goals of distance learning of a foreign language for students of non-linguistic specialties. As a result, on the basis of the formed list of key characteristics of online distance learning platforms, which are now widely used when they are integrated into the educational process based on independent work, a comparative analysis is carried out and their advantages and disadvantages are identified.
gamification, quiz, e-learning, foreign language teaching methodology, intrinsic motivation
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