Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Tourism has a significant educational function. Therefore, the inclusion of potential historical and cultural heritage routes into active tourism and educational activities is a priority objective of educational planning of tourist-excursion work with the youth. Thus, it is possible to talk about the ideological platform of educational activities in tourism. The territory of Moscow region has a considerable potential for development and expansion of the route network of active tourism. Important points of tourist attraction are, in particular, on the territory of Klinskiy and Volokolamskiy municipal districts. On the basis of the field of tourism research carried out jointly by employees of RSUTS and State Tyutchev Memorial estate «Mouranovo» Intermunicipal developed military-historical cycle route «Muranovo - Abram-tzevo» is suggested. The cycling tourist route developed and described in the article includes visits to a number of objects related to the events of different eras in the history of the Russian state, in particular: Museum-Estate «Muranovo», villages Danilovo and Artyomovo, villages Kalistovo and Vasilevo, town Akadimikov, estate of Trubetskoys in Akhtyrka, Museum «Abramt-sevo». The program also provides a route to familiarize with the history of local history work in the municipalities of Sofrino and Sergievskiy regions, natural features of Sergievskiy region, unfolding events in the region during the Great Patriotic War It is important that in the preparation of active tourism activities are fully implemented is a moral educational tourism phenomenon, and effective distinctive content is emphasized. The proposed tourist cycle route is a vital social event, forming the historical memory of the younger generation and contributing to the education of the youth.

active tourism, cycling route «Mouranovo - Abramtsevo», educational potential of tourism, inter-municipal Military History Bike Trail, tourism as a means of educating the youth about historical memory.

Туризм является одним из важнейших средств эффективного использования потенциала историко-культурного наследия в воспитательных целях и благоприятного формирования образа страны. Существуют различные способы его включения в практику воспитательной деятельности. Педагогическая задача состоит в умении работать с молодёжью, находить общую мировоззренческую платформу для взаимодействия и способности предложить ей настоящее, интересное дело. Разработка маршрутов активного туризма Московской области является именно таким творческим занятием. Представляется, что развитие практики клубного туристского движения, посвященного военно-историческому наследию, работа по созданию археологических реставрационных отрядов, могут всколыхнуть интерес молодых людей к созиданию, восстановлению утраченных объектов культуры, незаслуженно,


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