Russian Federation
The article examines the ECHR legal nature and types of its decisions, analyzes the activities of the Government of the Russian Federation and the RF Ministry of Justice on the implementation of the European Court of Human Rights’ judgments. The author notes the role of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in ensuring uniform application of the Convention and Protocols thereto, ratified by the Russian Federation, by the courts of general jurisdiction. The author analyzes reasons for slow and incomplete implementation of the ECHR decisions, and comes up with the measures for their implementation. The article discusses peculiarities of the execution of the ECHR judgments in the Russian Federation: mechanistic execution of the decisions, lack of a systematic approach to the legislation analysis, absence of identification of causes for non-compliance of the regulations with the Convention on Rights of Man and Citizen, lack of coordination between bodies executing the ECHR decisions, inadequate budgetary procedures and lack of funds. The author proposes to analyze structural and general deficiencies in the national law and practice with regard to the ECHR decisions; provides recommendations to improve the mechanism for the judicial decisions’ implementation; determines lines of development for legal regulation of relations in the field of ECHR judgments’ implementation in the Russian legislation.
Implementation, Convention on Human Rights, European Court of Human Rights, a legal precedent, legislation.
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