In this brief report, the authors demonstrated the importance of harmonious relations between the defined indicators in the human body. The purpose of this work was to define the significance of Wurfs in clinical practice in patients with different pathologies of the internal organs. The ratio of minoproteinic and cholesterol complexes, cholesterol, pigment and mixed stones with a special formula has been studied. The authors carried out a comparison of the results with the "gold" Wurf. The control group included 103 people, the patients with chronic active hepatitis – 43, with chronic persistent hepatitis – 51, with cirrhosis of the liver – 7, with micro spherocytes hemolytic anemia – 48, with alcoholic liver disease – 25. The authors found that there is no diagnostic significance of determination of Wurf for stones.
Wurfs, the "Golden section", lithogenic properties of bile, cholesterol crystals, lipoprotein crystals.
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