Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article analyzes the federal law on administrative responsibility for violation of fire safety requirements. The authors, in particular, studied and analyzed in detail the federal laws, which the legislator over the last decade that made very substantial changes and additions to the relevant articles of the Administrative Code (the Administrative Code), as well as considered the changes that have occurred with these norms, the regularities and the correlation between the legislative wording and the social, economic and political changes taking place in a specific historical period of development of the state. The authors make proposals for the development of this legislation, to simplify its use for law enforcers, to clarify the meaning of legal wording. The process of fundamental reform of federal legislation providing for responsibility for the violation of fire safety requirements, has not yet been completed, but because the current deputies of the sixth convocation of the State Duma of the Russian Federation together with the scientists and administrative officers of the Federal State supervising the fire safety laws have yet to resolve a number of contentious issues and conflicts, related to the proper application of the relevant administrative procedures.

administrative responsibility, fire safety requirements, an administrative offense, types of administrative penalties imposed for violation of fire safety requirements.

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