The article is devoted to justifying the need for the existence of state ideology, its national foundations and adjustments to article 13 of the Russian Constitution to delete provisions of the absence of the state ideology of the Russian Federation. State ideology is present in each state. The importance of this phenomenon has led to much attention to it by philosophers, politicians and other scientists over the past two centuries. There are different views on the concept of "ideology" and different ideological schools: liberalism, conservatism, anarchism, social democracy, socialism, and others. This diversity is defined by different needs and interests of social groups, media and spokesmen of ideological views. Ideology is an articulation of the fundamental interests of large social groups (forces) of the society, it is a system of views and ideas, which gives a complete interpretation of social and political life, its meaning, direction and prospects of showing certain ways of solving social problems. Ideologies are expressed in attitudes of communities to social problems and conflicts, objectives and generalized program of activities. The leading link here is represented by interests. It is the state who expresses and defends the national interests, regulates, as a rule, with the help of legal norms the totality of socio-political, economic, national and family relations, thus contributing to the stabilization and development of society. It has the right to have its own (state, national or multi-national state) ideology. That is why the Russian government cannot but have a nation-state ideology. That is the need for national-state ideology that is proved in this article.
ideology, state, nation, Constitution.
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