Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The authors present their insights on the structure and substantive content of the unified information and educational system, which is a software product named «Information and Educational System to Support Self-Development», which has been approbated in terms of implementing the scientific project supported by the Russian Foundation for Humanities and the Government of the Kaluga region at the premises of rural schools of the Kaluga region (The project №14-16-40007 a (r)). The unified information system maintenance is aimed to facilitate the work of teachers at different stages of methodological and psycho-pedagogical support of learners self-development in the course of extracurricular activities, to help with performance analysis, to provide maximum automation of the testing process in order to eliminate the human factor, which can distort the results analyzing process, and also to provide convenience of making recommendations on how to work with learners. Among the structural components of the software are: the analytical system, which includes students’ self-development monitoring unit editor; accounting and analysis system, represented by the student’s individual profile; statistical processing block with results presentation and development of psychological and pedagogical recommendations; the block for analyzing the learners’ self-development dynamics, etc. The system allows to maintain an individual profile for each learner; to run diagnostics of learners’ self-development; to process and store diagnostics outcomes; to develop psychological and pedagogical recommendations and routes of individual self-development for each student; to plan individual educational path for each learner dependent on testing outcomes, interviews with the parents and the learner himself and recommendations of psychologists and educators. The system is capable to maintain both the results records of a single learner within different time domains and statistical analyses of group results, to sort and analyze results against the required criteria. The said system can be used widely in educational practices of extracurricular activities in the context of mastering the standards of primary general education. The paper can be of interest for supplementary education teachers, for primary school teachers, psychologists, as well as teaching staff of educational institutions responsible for monitoring learners’ self-development in the course of implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education.

unified information and educational system, monitoring, personal self-development, extracurricular activities, personal selfdevelopment route.

Новые федеральные государственные образовательные стандарты и социальный проект развития личности, общества и государства Национальная образовательная инициатива «Наша новая школа» определили в качестве приоритетной задачи современного этапа обновления образовательного процесса ориентацию на максимальную индивидуализацию психолого-педагогического сопровождения развития ребенка под руководством педагога, психолога.

Реализация данного подхода осуществляется посредством разработки индивидуальных траекторий развития учащихся, создания индивидуальных образовательных маршрутов, индивидуальных образовательных программ.

В связи с этим в образовательных организациях всех типов и видов большое значение приобретает психолого-педагогическое сопровождение детей, которое, в свою очередь, требует информационной поддержки [8].

Для обеспечения высокого качества учебного процесса в современных образовательных организациях важным становится наличие следующих факторов:

  • ƒƒ электронные учебные материалы (презентации, интерактивные уроки);
  • ƒƒ виртуальные тесты и средства обработки;
  • ƒƒ информационная система, способная осуществлять как учет результатов отдельно взятого учащегося во временной области, так и статистическую обработку результатов групп учащихся, сортировку и анализ результатов согласно требуемым критериям [1, 5, 6].

Особенно благоприятным и естественным для оказания психолого-педагогического сопровождения учащегося представляется внеурочная деятельность, которая располагает широким спектром образовательных и развивающих возможностей.


1. Ivanov N.G., Ivanova I.V. Uniform information and educational system: a new approach to the implementation of psycho-pedagogical support self-development of students of non-school education. Nizhegorodskoe education, 2012, I. 3, pp. 142-149. (in Russian)

2. Ivanova I.V. Model escort self rural school students in extracurricular activities. Questions of education, 2014, I. 3 (20), pp. 29-41. (in Russian)

3. Ivanova I.V., Loginova L.G. Self-monitoring technology younger students in extracurricular activities. Methodist, 2014, I. 10, pp. 9-19. (in Russian)

4. Ivanova I.V. Self-identity: psychological-pedagogical aspect. Kaluga, KSU named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky Publ., 2013. 265 p. (in Russian)

5. Zakharova I.G. Information Technology in Education. Moscow, Academy Publ., 2005. 192 p. (in Russian)

6. Saikov B.P. Organization of information space of the educational institution: a practical guide. Moscow, BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory Publ., 2005. 406 p. (in Russian)

7. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation «On the implementation of the monitoring system of education» (approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation no 662 dated August 5, 2013). (in Russian)

8. Federal State Educational Standard primary education (approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation no 373 from 06.10.2009), Moscow, 2009. (in Russian)

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