The authors pay attention to problem of organizing the trade service of inhabitants of large Russian cities with non-uniform residential buildings, which, due to a significant change in external factors of doing business for 2011-2015., caused to attract attention again. Applying the techniques of geomarketing analysis, authors describe the way of research of the problems of using the criteria of availability of goods for the population. The article reveals the concepts that characterize the degree of end consumer’s security in food products from the viewpoint of territorial, price and quality affordability. The approaches to evaluating within socio-economic system of providing commercial services to the population of a large city are proved. As an example of monitoring the effectiveness of the organization of urban distribution network in the article are shown the elements of the research of availability of retail trade objects in the densely populated area of the city of Kursk with inhomogeneous buildings for the period of 2011-2014. The dynamics of changes in the basic indicators of evaluation of availability of trade services is represented. The article summarizes the results of the carried out at the end of 2014 sample survey of evaluation of the level of availability of products with high demand. In the sampling was included a part of trade objects of researching district, as well as large kolkhoz markets as trading formation with a different organizational structure. As a basis for comparison was used average price levels recorded in the analytical materials FGBI "Specialized center accounting in agriculture". Results of the analysis allowed creating the rating of commercial enterprises, drawing conclusions, and comparing them with maps of positioning of trade brands (networks), which active in the Kursk.
territorial accessibility, quality accessibility, price accessibility of food stuffs, geomarketing, price rating
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