Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Distance education of students has its own specific, which requires prompt creation of various educational materials. A particular problem is caused by the fact that these documents are created in parallel with the preparation of materials for the regular internal form of training. The use of the device of creation of entries from screen and camera and viewing presentations in the new format is proposed. Construction of a lecture script and its division into separate scenes and shots requires a new approach to its drafting, systematization and storage of information. Material a lecture should be presented with taking into account the effectiveness of its perception by the student audience, and it should be is systematized and consider classification of the reflect objects and their hierarchy in relation to each other. Scaling of images, creation in the presentation the individual objects and their autonomous modeling allows its easy modification with the appearance of innovation in this facility. The authors propose decision for the creation of teaching aids (presentations of lectures) using screencasts and presentations by using new software. In the educational material with the use of screencasts is created the effect of real presence on the solving the problem by the teacher in class.In the preparation of educational material for lessons, students can take part in accordance with the program of implementation self-work on of discipline. New software means allow to construct lecture at a higher qualitative level that improves the quality of teaching, not only in the traditional forms, but also makes it possible to demonstrate the open lectures for online versions on the website of the University.

education, problem lectures, creative methods, pedagogic

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