Examination of 167 men (the average age 47.3±7.4 years) with a diagnosis of arterial hypertension I-II degree in combination with reflex syndromes of dorsopathies cervical spine was carried out. These patients received basic therapy by ACE inhibitors, b-blockers and were divided randomly into 4 groups. The patients of the 1st group (41 people) received in addition to basic therapy for 18 days, a low-frequency magnetic therapy by means of apparatus of the "ALIMP-1" on the collar area and a puncture of biologically active points by electromagnetic radiation of extremely high frequency (EHF-puncture) by means of the apparatus "Stella-2" in the "scanning" (59-63 GHz); in the 2nd group (42 people) there were the basic medical complex and EHF-puncture, in the 3rd (44 people) – the main medical complex and magnetic therapy; in the 4th (40 people) was conducted only basic treat-ment. After treatment, the volumetric rate of blood flow through the vertebral artery increased in the patients of the 1st group by 1,4 times on the right and by 1,3 times on the left; in the 2nd – by 1,3 times on the right and on the left, in the 3rd – by 1,2 times on both sides, and in the 4th – by 1,1 times; identical changes of this indicator was detected on the internal carotid artery. The resistance index in the vertebral artery decreased to the end of treatment in the 1st group by 17,1% on the right and by 21,1% on the left; in the 2nd – by 16,9% on the right and by 12,4%, while in the 3rd – by 9,0% on the right and by 12,3 on the left, and in the 4th group was 7,2% on the right and 11,3% on the left (p>0.05). Identical values of the index in the internal carotid artery in the 1st group decreased by 20,3% on the right and by 17,4% on the left; in the 2nd group – by 16,4% on the right and by 9,0% on the left, in the 3rd - by 6,9% on the right and by 12,7 on the left, and in the 4th group - by 9,6% on the right and by 11,3% on the left. Unidirectional dynamics occurred in respect of the pulsation index and cerebro-vascular reactivity. The content of nitric oxide in the serum after treatment in the 1st group increased by 1,3 times and has reached to regulatory parameters; in the 2nd and 3rd changes were identical, and in the 4th there was a tendency to improve. The level of endothelin-1 decreased in patients of the 1st group by 1,2 times, in others – the changes were not significant. The level of VWF is decreased in patients of the 1st group by 1,2 times (p<0.05), in other groups there were no significant changes. In the 1st group of patients there were a reduction in thrombin and ADP-aggregation by 1,4 times, in the 2nd and 3rd the parameters has reached to the control parameters, in the 4th there was a tendency to improve. Thus, the inclusion of low-frequency magnetic therapy and EHF-puncture in the medical complexes in pa-tients with arterial hypertension in combination with dorsopathies cervical spine contributes to increase functional reserve of cerebral circulation, to improve of endothelial and hemostatic parameters.
arterial hypertension, dorsopathy, magnetic therapy, EHF-puncture, cerebral hemicircular, cerebrovascular reactivity, hemostasis, endothelium, nitric oxide
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