Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the article authors concentrate attention on the analysis of the processes of modernization of the management system which are realized in many democratic states. The analysis of basic models of public administration from the point of view of definition of participation possibility of public institutes in them is submitted. From this side the models of New Public Management and New Public Governance are presented to judgment. On the basis of consideration of the limits of public participation put in the analyzed concepts, authors come to a conclusion that the model of New Public Governance substantially broadens spheres of possible citizens’ participation in administration and can become the basis for transition to network model of interaction of state and civil society. It gives the chance to analyze practices of public participation, mechanisms of public involvement, and also to estimate efficiency of activities of state institutes for institutionalization of civil society.

reforming of public administration, quality of public administration, model of public administration, model of «new state management» (New Public Management), model of «new public (state) management» (New Public Governance), civil society, public participation

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