Vashington, United States of America
UDK 82-1 Поэзия. Стихи, оды, поэмы, баллады и т. д.
A.E. Anikin, Doctor of Philology, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and I.E. Klyukanov, Doctor of Philology, Professor of East Washington University, devoted an article to a book of poems by Ekaterina Velmezova, a well-known philologist, author of many scientific works in the field of ethnolinguistics, as well as the history of language sciences. Her book “Time, End and Beginning” (Tartu: Dialogue, 2021. – 136 p.) is the poet’s appeal to the reader to share events and memories, reflections and feelings with him.
communication of a poetic text
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