Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The need of modern education for a systematic analysis and comprehensive assessment of the professional activities carried out by teachers actualizes the problem of finding and substantiating methods and means of pedagogical expertise. A purposeful historical and genetic study of the processes of formation and development of the phenomenon of pedagogical expertise in Russian education allowed us to determine its socio-historical prerequisites, identify key priorities, as well as identify and comprehend the main features and specific features of the examination of the work of Russian teachers during the XX – first quarter of the XXI century. The genesis of the functional purpose of the examination of pedagogical work is revealed, the priority of the humanitarian function of expert evaluation is justified, the experience of modern study and use of pedagogical expertise in the domestic system of education and upbringing is summarized. The trends of further study and application of expertise in the conditions of Russian education are outlined.

labor expertise, pedagogical expertise, professional pedagogical activity, education system, historical and genetic analysis

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