Space Research Institute RAS
Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
In this work, we have studied the recently discovered hectometric continuum radiation in near-Earth plasma. We have carried out a detailed statistical analysis of the occurrence of a hectometric continuum near Earth at distances 1.1–2 Re, where Re is the Earth radius, for a two-year period, using data from the ERG (Arase) satellite. We have established that the generation of the hectometric radiation depends on the local magnetic time. The continuum radiation of this type is shown to occur mainly at night and in the morning. We have also studied the dependence of the occurrence of hectometric radiation on geomagnetic activity and have demonstrated that there is no direct dependence of the occurrence of hectometric radiation on geomagnetic disturbances. Moreover, the statistical analysis made it possible to localize sources of radio emission of this type in near-Earth space and to show that the source(s) of generation of the hectometric continuum radiation is located at low latitudes.
radio emission, hectometric continuum radiation, magnetosphere, satellite measurements
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