Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
VAC 2.5.2 Машиноведение
UDK 629.3 Наземные средства транспорта (кроме рельсовых)
BBK 393 Автодорожный транспорт
BBK 344 Общее машиностроение. Машиноведение
The study objective is to analyze the influence of elastic-damping characteristics of the two-mass flywheel of the internal combustion engine on the torsional vibrations of the car transmission components. The task is to define the characteristics of forced stationary torsional vibrations of transmission parts under the action of torque fluctuations of the internal combustion engine. Methods: mathematical and computer modeling of forced torsional vibrations of transmission parts. The novelty of the work is in developing mathematical and computer models of the torsional vibrations of a car transmission with a two-mass flywheel and a double dry clutch, defining the conditions for preventing the resonance of the flywheel torsional vibrations at idling speed. Results: mathematical and computer models are developed for the analysis of torsional vibrations of a car transmission with a two-mass flywheel and a double dry clutch. The analysis of forced stationary torsional vibrations of transmission parts in time is carried out. The conditions for preventing the resonance of the flywheel torsional vibrations at idling speed are defined. It is shown that the use of a two-mass flywheel significantly reduces standard deviation of angular velocities and accelerations of parts (except the crankshaft) in comparison with a single-mass flywheel.
computer model, transmission, car, flywheel, internal combustion engine, vibrations
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