New intersectional hybrids of Eupopulus L.
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In world practice, there is an example of a sudden defeat of the best most productive poplar in Italy ‘I-214’ (‘Glory of Italy’), which in many European countries occupied up to 35% of poplar plantations. The defeat of leaf rust Marsonina brunnea for several years completely destroyed the plantings of this variety of poplar. This catastrophe led to the formation of an approach that when creating plantings, it is necessary to use not one, even the best variety or clone, but several. There were proposals to plant at least 30-50 different clones, hybrids and varieties in close ecological conditions of the growing place. Such approaches began to spread not only in Western Europe, but also in other countries, including the Soviet Union and Russia. Reproduction of intersectional hybrids of poplars (Eupopulus L.) was carried out in production nurseries of the Voronezh and Lipetsk regions. Analysis of the results of hybridization of poplars (balsamic × black and black × balsamic) showed that the survival rate of hybrid seedlings in the Semiluk collection No. 1 was (85-100%). Their safety by the age of 21 has decreased to 45-74%. According to the results of long-term observations, the average biometric growth indicators in height and diameter increased from 5.9 to 14.0 cm and from 8.6 to 24.4 m, respectively. The results of studies of 16 new intersectional hybrids show that the trunk volumes at the age of 21 ranged from 0.151 to 0.753 m3. In the future, it is planned to submit three candidates for varieties to the State Commission for Variety Testing of the Russian Federation: ‘Versiya', ‘Stroyn’ and ‘Borey’.

hybridization, reproduction, variety testing, poplar, biometric indicators, state registration of varieties
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