Influence of forest belts on the total content of Pb and Cd and their exchange compounds in leached chernozems
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Abstract (English):
The creation of artificial forest belts is an effective method of land reclamation. Forest belts have a positive impact on prevention of erosion processes, formation of heat and moisture regimes, reduction of turbulent exchange in the surface air layer and reduction of carbon dioxide share in the atmosphere. An important feature of forest plantations is the prevention of soil contamination with heavy metals (HM). It occurs due to profile redistribution of HM and partial remediation of soils. The obtained data confirm this position. Reliable transformation of leached chernozems under the influence of different-age forest belts in comparison with arable soils on the territory of All-Russian Research Institute of Sugar Beet and Sugar named after A.L. Mazlumov was revealed. Forest vegetation type contributes to more sustainable ecosystems due to stabilization of humus content and its uniform distribution throughout the soil profile. Correlation analysis revealed a close relationship between content of humus, soil solution pH and the gross content, as well as the exchangeable compounds of HM. An increase in the concentration of HM in the upper layer of arable chernozem was revealed; it was caused by active emissions of exhaust gases from agricultural machinery and the application of mineral fertilizers. The design of forest belts in order to restore contaminated soils is planned in the territory of Sichuan Province (southwest China). This project needs additional research, which is planned to be carried out in the future.

heavy metals, lead, cadmium, gross content, exchange compounds, forest belts of different ages, arable land, leached chernozems
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