Moskva, Russian Federation
Th e article considers the methodological aspects of improving the system of qualification certification of auditors. An analysis of passing the qualifying exam by stages and individual modules is presented. Emphasis was placed on preparing for the delivery of the «Complex task» module of the third stage, detailed recommendations for applicants and educational organizations were considered, including information on a new project of practical webinars on the principles and methods for the formation of examination questions and tasks of the third stage of the exam.
audit activity, competencies, monitoring of auditor competencies, qualification exam, digital economy, sanctions
1. Sayt ANO «EAK» .
2. Kazakova N.A. Napravleniya razvitiya auditorskogo obrazovaniya // Izvestiya Issyk-Kul'skogo foruma buhgalterov i auditorov stran Central'noy Azii. - 2022. - № 3-2 (38). - S. 130-134. EDN:
3. Kazakova N.A. Aktual'nye voprosy kvalifikacionnogo ekzamena dlya auditorov v Rossiyskoy Federacii // Auditor. - 2022. - T. 8. - № 10. - S.11-18. DOI:; EDN:
4. Korporativnoe obrazovanie v epohu peremen.