Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The presented research article reflects the contextual content-semantic analysis of the concept of “media image of Russia” in media information field. Along with this, the method of media analysis of the text from the political and socio-cultural positions is implemented. The image of Russia is considered within the framework of media discourse through the use of metaphorization process. The designation is given to the manipulative essence of the US mass media. The concepts of “image of the country” and “media image of the country” are differentiated in the media plane context on the material of the US mass media texts. Various forms and means of creating a negative image of Russia within the media information field are established. The conducted research makes it possible to clarify the concept of stereotypical media information. The theoretical positions of the research actualize the analysis of the cognitive format of the media image of Russia in the US media, from today’s perspective. Both headline and text media materials are subject to research. The resulting database is represented by a wide range of thematic examples taken from media analysis of original articles of political nature.

metaphorization, media image, cognitive media analysis, image of the country, media image of the country, stereotypical media information, manipulative media technologies

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