from 01.01.2018 to 01.01.2023
Russian Federation
UDK 372.857 биологии
The article presents an additional general education and general development program for grades 10-11 "The skin you didn't know about". The program is aimed at forming a responsible attitude of schoolchildren to their own health, to the conscious selection of cosmetics and to increase cognitive interest in the subject of chemistry. It promotes the formation of critical and creative thinking, the development of strong-willed personality qualities and the development of research skills. It includes six sections, the content of which is based on the deepening of students' knowledge in the field of structure, biochemical composition and functions of the skin, the study of the main components (chemicals) that make up cosmetics, the definition of types (phototypes) and conditions, types of skin aging, acquaintance with skin diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms and modern methods of their treatment, the study of marketing tricks.
additional education program, skin, skin chemistry, cosmetology, skin diseases
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