Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses issues related to the quality of the learning process for students and management of the educational process based on digitization of knowledge acquired by students. The article presents an algorithm for adjusting reserves to improve the quality of knowledge of students. A detailed assessment of the quantitative relationship between parameters of the educational process is provided. Special attention is paid to determining strategies for managing the quality of education. Hypotheses put forward in the article are confirmed by experimental data and mathematical calculations. Quality management of the educational process is analyzed in detail using an example. In the example, students are divided into 4 groups based on their risk of losing the quality of the educational process. Based on the analysis of identified risk areas, conclusions are drawn and recommendations are given for choosing management strategies to improve the quality of the learning process for each group of students. With correctly chosen management interventions in the educational process, its efficiency is significantly increased, and accordingly, the quality and level of knowledge of students are substantially improved. Thus, the article presents a methodology for managing the educational process that defines the goals, tasks, and stages of management, provides algorithms for adjusting learning reserves, and choosing strategies for managing the quality of the educational process. The application of this approach in practice allows for a significant improvement in the efficiency of student learning.

Methodology, efficiency, analysis, educational process, algorithm, management strategies

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