Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article highlights the features of the legal regulation of marriage and family relations under the Civil Code (Code of Napoleon) of 1804. Within the framework of this work, the specifics of the legal status of women and men in the family, the conditions of registration and dissolution of marriage, some aspects of the relationship between parents and children in France in the XIX century are revealed. Special attention is paid to the innovations introduced by Napoleon after the Great French Revolution of 1789-1799. The novelty of the work lies in the general analysis of the provisions of the civil legislation of France of the XIX century. from the point of view of the analysis of the legal status of women, children, regulation of marital and family relations. The purpose of the work: to consider the specifics of the legal status of women in marriage and family according to the French Civil Code (Napoleon's Code) of 1804. When writing the work, the authors actively used the historical and legal method, the method of comparative analysis.

french revolution, Napoleon's code, motherhood, women, marriage, family, children
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