Russian Federation
The article examines the main approaches to the formation and development of international legal regulation concerning threats to international information security. It examines the definition of information threats, as formulated in national (Russian) and international acts. Special attention is given to the reasonableness of the use of the term “information war” (Cyber warfare) from the point of view of international law. Also, the article attends to the special features of the concept of “computer network attack” in the international legal context. It analyses the issues relating to qualification of various acts which make the notion of “information threats” to international information security, and stresses for much needed search of new approaches to be applied to the given subject, also calls for departure from the existing methods of mechanical application of the existing norms, principles and institutions of international law to the regulation of information environment.
International law, international information security, threats to international information security, information war, the limits of the international legal prohibition on the use of force, computer network attack.
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