Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The present article presents the complex issues associated with social-partnerships in the field of specialized tourism education. In particular, the conclusion which is based on the analysis of educational programs of different levels and the opinions of experts and specialists in the field of tourism, showed the insufficient level of development of social partnership, which is reflected in the existing problems in specialized tourism education: lack of practical orientation of education, the correspondence between the competence characteristics of graduates of educational institutions of tourism profile and the needs of the labour market, the mismatch between the quantitative indicators of the labour market needs and graduates of educational institutions in terms of levels of education. The study also identified the problem of incomplete educational continuity in some areas of tourism education, which definitely has a negative impact on opportunities for social and academic mobility of students. As a result of identified problems we developed the content of the various activities in the context of social partnership, which is regarded as one of the most promising approaches for solving the existing problems of specialist education. The proposed interpretation of the activities in the context of social partnership in professional tourism education will be conductive to the level of satisfaction of employers with the results of the educational activities of the institutions; balanced professional qualification recruitment in the tourism industry, as well as the achievement of the best indicators of the quality of education and competitiveness of Russian education in the field of tourism.

training for tourism, education, educational program, competencies, training, representatives of employers, tourism, social and partnerships

Современные условия социально-экономического развития Российской Федерации: курс на достижение к 2020 г. лидерства российской экономики, создание и модернизация в среднесрочной перспективе 25 млн высокопроизводительных рабочих мест – характеризуются острой потребностью в высокопрофессиональных кадрах, конкурентоспособных на рынке труда. Перед системой образования стоят актуальные задачи достижения качества услуг в сфере образования, удовлетворения требований работодателей и рынка труда в компетентных кадрах.


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