Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article examines the problems of modeling development of caravanning in the region. The objective of the problem is the disclosure of key inconsistencies between the use of program-target method of management and the actual development of caravanning. The authors based on the consideration of the essence of the process of modeling propose the modeling approach for the development of caravanning in the region and auto-tourism clusters formed within. This approach is based on the use of economic modeling techniques through the formation of a set of criteria and indicators characterizing the resulting indicators and the processes of interaction of elements of trailering. They propose the system of modeled parameters of regional trailering to be formed on the basis of a strategic tool becoming more and more popular today — a balanced scorecard (BSC). The authors proposed a corresponding matrix containing three blocks of parameters ofBSC and groups corresponding to each cell of the matrix of indicators, criteria and parameters. The paper notes that this matrix can be adapted to the modeling of auto-tourism cluster. In addition, the article considers the problem of the need for government intervention and feasibility of it in the development of caravanning clusters and cluster policy effectiveness. Article Submissions are based on scientific-theoretical and practical studies of trailering and related problems of modeling these processes. Problems of quality programming trailering study are based on failure models and the limited options that you can lay in each specific model. This situation necessitates the development of several models describing the same object from different angles. Since the processes of programming and simulation are closely linked, the problem, set in the article, is particularly relevant.

modeling, development of caravanning, region, management by objectives, index, criteria, indicators, tourism

В современном мире нет сферы, к которой бы не применялся системный подход. Поскольку такой подход предполагает описание объекта как системы с определенным набором

элементов, связей, организацией и свойственным только для нее качеством, то для описания развития конкретной системы может использоваться моделирование.


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