The study involved 187 patients suffering from different clinical forms of diffuse liver diseases (DLD) (101 (54%) men and 86 (46%) women), of which: 61 (32,7%) – alcoholic steatohepatitis etiology, 73 (39%) chronic viral hepatitis (CVH) (47 (64,3%) – CVH, 26 (35,7%) – With CVH), 53 (28.3 percent) – cirrhosis of mixed nature with 2012 and 2015, the Diagnosis of fibrotic process in the liver parenchyma was performed using com-prehensive elastographic examination of patients. Performed transient elastography on the FibroScan device (Echosens, France), compression elastography – Hitachi Preirus (Japan), elastography shear waves – on the apparatus of Angiogen-Ultra P (BIOSS) and compression elastography in endosonography (PENTAX-EG387OUTK (Japan) + Hitachi Preirus). Comprehensive elastographic examination allowed for a "line of elas-tographic indicators for each nosological form DLD. In the analysis of ROC - curves for complex elastography with DLD: specificity amounted to 96,4%, sensitivity 93,3%, and an accuracy of 95,7 %, the AUC was equal 0,909 with 95% confidence interval [0,893–0,997]. Reference method in 161 (86,1%) patients was liver biopsy.
complex elastography, biopsy, diffuse liver disease.
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