the city of Pushkino, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 378 Высшее образование. Высшая школа. Подготовка научных кадров
The article discusses the definition of the concept of "coaching", its goals and benefits. The functions, structure and system of coaching as a method of active learning and psychological adaptation of graduates of pedagogical specialties to future professional activity are analyzed. The substantiation of the use of motivational coaching as an effective technology for preparing future employees of pedagogical specialties for successful work in the conditions of educational organizations is given. An analysis of the technology is presented. The level of development of motivational coaching at the stage of psychological support of future employees in the field of education is presented. Classes with young specialists were based on the following algorithm: setting strategic goals for the development of education and tactical tasks for optimizing activities in their educational organization, formulating current problems and finding solutions to them, analyzing the problems of transition to innovative management of activities; searching for an experimental group of social and psychological means of solving them by each future teacher; forecasting and fixation of goals, motives, values and meanings of interaction and activity of colleagues and management in the initial problem situation; fixation of the student's own goals, motives, meanings in similar situations of interaction and activity; appeal to the socio-cultural context of the problem situation (analysis of the problem within a broader social and fixation of the meanings of activity taking into account these frameworks; comparison the meanings, values, goals identified at the previous stages and the identification of unity and contradictions between them; the student's free choice of one or three meanings as possible "for himself" from a variety of options identified at previous stages; formulation by the future teacher-psychologist of the goal in accordance with the chosen meaning; creating an image of a positive result of achieving the goal; taking responsibility for the application of efforts in the implementation of the goal; solving the educational task of helping participants in educational relations taking into account its reinterpretation at the previous stages of classes. Criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of motivational coaching with future teachers, which influence the process of developing professionally important competencies, were also developed and described.
coaching, coach, motivational coaching, criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of motivational coaching, development of professionally important competencies, psychological support, young specialist of psychological and pedagogical specialties, pedagogy, education, teaching, self-development.
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