Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
A review of the article by prof. Tebekina A.V. on the topic “The Large-Scale Problems of the 2020s Global Economic Crisis through the Prism of Economic Theory,” published in the Journal of Economic Research No. 1, 2023. It is shown that the significance of the work under review lies in the insufficient coverage of the events currently taking place in the world economy from the standpoint of economic theory. Moreover, the author links this with the change in technological patterns, which are cyclical in nature, and with the geopolitical and economic positions taking place in the world economy in the 2020s. It is demonstrated that the study conducted by the author helps to understand the essence, nature and historical regularity of the change of technological patterns and the subsequent crisis phenomena from the standpoint of economic theory, since these processes capture all spheres of society, destroying the economic and geopolitical spheres of influence to the greatest extent, which, according to the author and led to a redistribution of market infrastructure during the global economic crisis of the 2020s. due to the reduction of the market for the production of material products and, as a consequence, the reduction of the market for energy products.

review, article, prof. Tebekin A.V., "Large-scale problems of the global economic crisis of the 2020s through the prism of the postulates of economic theory"
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