The article presents a comparative analysis of the Federal Auditing Standards’ and International Standards’ on Auditing provisions in the part of the general principles of the audit of financial statements.
standards, audit principles, audit objectives, auditior, comparative analysis, financial statements
1. Federal´nyy zakon ot 30.12.2008 g. №307-FZ «Ob auditorskoy deyatel´nosti». Rossiyskaya gazeta, №267, 31.12.2008.
2. Federal´noe pravilo (standart) auditorskoy deyatel´nosti FPSAD №1 «Tsel´ i osnovnye printsipy audita finansovoy (bukhgalterskoy) otchetnosti». - V red. Postanovleniya Pravitel´stva Rossii ot 04.10.2004 g. №532.. Rossiyskaya Biznes-gazeta, №40, 19.10.2004.
3. Federal´noe pravilo (standart) auditorskoy deyatel´nosti FPSAD №12 «Soglasovanie usloviy provedeniya audita». - V red. Postanovleniya Pravitel´stva Rossii ot 04.10.2004 g. №532.. Rossiyskaya Biznes-gazeta, №40, 19.10.2004.
4. International Standard on Auditing ISA 200. Overall Objectives of the Independent Auditor and the Conduct of an Audit in Accordance with International Standards on Auditing. 2013 Edition, Vol. I. - ISBN: 978-1-60815-152-3.
5. International Standard on Auditing ISA 210. Agreeing the terms of Audit Engagements. 2013 Edition, Vol. I. - ISBN: 978-1-60815-152-3.