The article highlights the main trends in the market of audit and consulting in Russia in 2014, deals with the education of accountants and auditors. Provides rankings
audit, consulting, self-regulation, ranking, training, professional standard
1. Federal´nyy zakon «Ob auditorskoy deyatel´nosti» ot 30 dekabrya 2008 № 307-FZ.
2. Federal´nyy zakon «O bukhgalterskom uchete» ot 6 dekabrya 2011 goda № 402-FZ (red. ot 4 noyabrya 2014 goda).
3. Ozhegov S.I. Slovar´ russkogo yazyka. [Elektronnyy resurs] - http://slovar-ojegova.888news. name/pp/28342-%CF%D0%CE%C2%C5%D0%C8%D2%DC.html.
4. Efremova T.F. Novyy slovar´ russkogo yazyka. Tolkovo-slovoobrazovatel´nyy. [Elektronnyy resurs] -
5. Glossariy terminov. -
6. Bychkova S.M. Audit kak delovaya professional´naya usluga v kontekste kachestva / S. Bychkova, E. Itygilova. Auditor. - 2014. - № 17. - S. 14-21.
7. Uvarenkov D.V. Fakticheskie rastsenki auditorskikh kompaniy i obosnovanie tsen na audit / D. Uvarenkov. Auditor. - 2014. - № 10. - S. 17-25.; EDN:
8. Doroshenko M.E. Krizisnye strategii v sektore intellektual´nykh uslug / M. Doroshenko. Forsayt. - 2010. - № 1. - S. 64-73.; EDN:
9. Turbanov A.V. Rynok auditorskikh uslug Rossii: tendentsii, problemy, napravleniya razvitiya / A. Turbanov, I. Lisovskaya. Den´gi i kredit. - 2015. - № 2. - S. 14-20.; EDN:
10. Shneydman L.Z. Auditorskiy rynok v 2012 godu / L. Shneydman, V. Ul´yanova. Auditor. - 2013. - № 8. - S. 18-25.; EDN: